You got it.
But here’s what you do NOT get:
You don’t get to rank overnight. Or next month.
I could rebrand myself as just a Content Writer to keep away geniuses who think they should.
An SEO Content Writer is a black hat SEO magician NOT !
Let’s look at the facts about ranking ~
In February 2017, Ahrefs.Com published the results of their study on ranking and here’s the takeaway:
Only 5.7% of all studied pages [for 2 million random keywords] ranked in the Top 10 search results within 1 year for at least 1 keyword …The majority of them [got to the top 10] in approximately 61 to 182 days.
- Pages from websites with a high Domain Rating (DR) performed way better than those with a low DR.
- The average Top 10 ranking page is 2+ years old.
- And those that rank at position #1 are almost 3 years old (on average).
- Only 22% of pages that currently rank in the Top 10 were created within 1 year.
Good news is, that same study concludes with the words,
… the reason [this 5.7%] got to the Top 10 in less than a year is most likely hard work and great knowledge of SEO, not luck.
I like the sound of that. And you should, too.
Are you B2C and facing these problems selling online?
- You have a great product – but very little traffic, and hardly any conversion.
A blog with cornerstone content focused at your target audience (along with an initial social media outreach) could help you get what you want.
- You have a blog already and with excellent content, too. But not enough visitors.
Well, not even excellent content ranks unless optimized for search engines (along with your entire site). Maybe it is time for an SEO audit?
- You have excellent content, loads of traffic, but not enough conversion.
Did you target the right audience? Or do your visitors want only free information? Perhaps, your content needs a little tweaking to appear for more focused keywords on SERP and draw just the right visitors with buying intent. Which makes me wonder: did you do your keyword research well? And is your site description up to par?
- There is nothing wrong with your site and yet, you can’t beat the competition.
Don’t tell me you didn’t study your competition, to begin with?
Speaking of, my E3 Method of conversion optimization does precisely that – it Explores what is already working for others (without trying to reinvent anything), Examines how similar elements might fit in with your unique situation and then Extrapolates the data to find viable conditions for probable success. Here’s a small case study.
- You are aware of all that I’ve said so far and you can write great SEO content – but don’t have the time.
This is the best case scenario (for me). I’ve had wonderful clients who understand the ins and outs of SEO writing, provide great feedback and appreciate good work. If you are one of those, please consider hiring me!
I’ve been at this since 2012, and the one strategy that never fails is creating an authority blog with superior content. Problem is, people want to rank tomorrow and lose focus too soon when that doesn’t happen. Or happens with questionable SEO tactics and then they vanish from SERP altogether when Google finds out.
- Think long term.
- Have a clear idea who your target audience is.
- Publish superior content that addresses every possible question related to the topic (or the target keyword).
- Optimize not just the content but your entire site for SEO because onsite SEO is what you have complete control over.
You need not just superior content, but a very clear content strategy as well.
Which includes a whole lot of things suited to your unique situation – how frequently should you post? What kind of articles should you publish? What content repurposing strategy suits you the most? Should you focus on just the written word or include videos, as well? What about podcasts?
Having a content strategy is the first step you would be taking towards Inbound and Content Marketing. Please take a look at the video below and see how even the big (and unlikely) names have understood the value of content marketing.
“It’s humans dealing with humans – we forget that. Instead of trying to be real time, we gotta be Real.” (36:04)
If you are willing to invest in
Content that can stand a peer-review, |
Content that readers share and search engines rank, |
Strategies that ensure targeted organic traffic & conversions and, |
Create an Authority of your brand |
I could help.
Fill out the form and let’s get in touch.
Or, send an email to content(at) and I’ll get back to you.