Been almost a year since my article on the E3 CRO method was published. A big thank you to everyone for their support! 🙂 I wasn’t able to do justice to all the appreciation: certain unfortunate events kept me away . But I’m happy to say that the very first E3 Case Study is finally here. Using E3 CRO To Retrieve Rank by Increasing Visitor Engagement This was the first case study to test the validity of the E3 Conversion Rate Optimization strategy. Results were…Continue Reading “E3 CRO Case Study #1: Rank Retrieved With an Hour’s Work & at Zero Cost”
You are aware that website conversion optimization is good for your business. You also know that data is the most important part of a successful optimization process. And you are all ready to dive into a CRO program. Now would be a good time to pause for a moment and take in certain things. And in case you’re wondering, ‘E3’ is just another fancy name. There’s nothing unique about it apart from the fact that it is based on this one strategic move which I…Continue Reading “Using the E3 method to optimize conversion rate on your website”
B2C content marketing strategies (also frequently searched for as ‘b to c marketing‘ and ‘business to consumer marketing‘) require that you communicate with your ideal prospect in simple language. A B2C prospect would ideally ask for information, not research (which is the domain of B2B). That said, it does enhance your credibility when you link to authentic research material or your company’s data sheets, but that isn’t normally your prospects’ priority. Who is the ideal writer for B2C content marketing? Businesses looking for targeted organic traffic understand…Continue Reading “B2C Content Marketing Strategies – SEO Content Writer or Subject Expert, Who Do You Need?”
After my last (rewritten) article, I thought a post on the structure of SEO content writing in WordPress might be useful. In fact, this applies to all web content, all blog posts and is basic HTML protocol that you should bear in mind while writing anything at all.
Continue Reading "SEO Content Writing | Structure Your Blog Post with Perfect WordPress HTML Usage"Looking at my last two posts, I felt I’ve been persistently critical of others. Figured I’d walk the talk. So, here it is, an entire article on the necessity of filling in vacant positions in a company, rewritten. I’m not sure I should mention the exact URL of the original, but of course, if you really want to compare, it should be easy enough with Big G around 😉 Related: SEO Content Writing | Structure Your Blog Post with Perfect WordPress HTML Usage It’s not too different…Continue Reading “6 Ways Vacant Positions Can Damage Your Business – Rewritten”
There’s a whole lot of ‘credible statistics’ around the Internet. Make a search for statistics, especially in the context of SEO, and you are bound to come up with bucket-loads of crap that are frequently taken at face value. And then there are sites and authors you’d normally trust. They provide value all the time and no one would blame you if you did take them at face value. No one would blame them, either, for the occasional slip – I know I wouldn’t. And frequently,…Continue Reading “Are You Sure You’re Citing Credible Statistics in Your Blog Posts?”
The Internet is a vast storehouse of knowledge – and bullshit. Fortunately, it is a simple matter to know one from the other. Just remember to NOT judge a piece of content by the supposed authority it displays in terms of authorship or brand.
Continue Reading "Who do you trust? Spotting fake authority content : Case Studies"Don’t know about you but when I’m looking for ‘tips to write content…’ I’m not looking for an introduction. I’m looking for tips. Period.
Let’s get right to the meat of the matter, shall we?
Continue Reading "11 Workable Tips for Awesome Content People Read at One Go"Long intros and goodbyes are boring – let’s dive into the most interesting stats about the relevance of content marketing services in view of current inbound trends.
And let’s get something out of the way first.
Continue Reading "Hubspot Inbound 2016 & Relevance of Content Marketing Services"Most people know that an SEO Title is a ranking factor. Contrary to popular perception, however, it appears that Meta Descriptions can and do rank you directly as well.
Continue Reading "Case Study: Is Meta Description a Ranking Factor? | KapushContenT"The signs were clear and the Hubspot State of Inbound 2016 report does nothing to dispel them. Content, today, is the Emperor where it used to be the King ( I really am quoting myself ). This is the age of Inbound Marketing where your customers find you and buy from you because you are already providing value. Bombarding your target audience with ‘recommendations’ and cold calls just doesn’t cut it any longer. Unsure of the value of SEO content? Be advised: Google has been sharpening the pickets for…Continue Reading “SEO Content & Inbound”