The signs were clear and the Hubspot State of Inbound 2016 report does nothing to dispel them.
Content, today, is the Emperor where it used to be the King ( I really am quoting myself ).
This is the age of Inbound Marketing where your customers find you and buy from you because you are already providing value. Bombarding your target audience with ‘recommendations’ and cold calls just doesn’t cut it any longer.
Unsure of the value of SEO content?
Be advised: Google has been sharpening the pickets for a while now, and any SEO related fence-sitting is bound to get mighty uncomfortable Ask the countless websites that vanished overnight.
Add to that changing temperament of customers and things get rather distressing.
Advertising doesn’t work like it used to and people have been unsubscribing from lists. What is worse, an alarming percentage of searchers now ignore paid results on SERP (Search Engine Results Page) and click on organic results, instead.
Take a look at the latest data from Hubspot and how things have been trending since 2013. Doesn’t look like you’ll be able to do without SEO content anytime soon.
What we’ve been observing since before 2013
Consumers are taking control. Only about 66% of direct mails ever get opened. Yeah, direct mailing still works.
Or, does it?
91% of subscribers seem to have unsubscribed. Based on this, can you guess the ROI on those 66% of opened mails? ROI ought to be calculated on 100% of the mails, but let’s take only the opened ones. Things don’t look so good if you ask me.
Concerning TV ads – I know I watch some of them because they are entertaining. I don’t necessarily base my purchase decisions on the viewing of the ads.
You can do the math when only 14% of viewers watch the ads, to begin with.
In other news, 2013 statistics suggest that content marketing brought in the most moolah, and 3 times more bang for the buck in generating leads than paid advertising. No wonder that 86% of B2C (Business to Consumer) and 92% of B2B (Business to Business) marketers have been heavily into content marketing.
I do send cold emails – after surveying the prospects, knowing how I could fit in into their scheme of things (read: provide value) and making sure I point them to samples of my work that could show them clearly if I’m good enough for them.
But that’s because in my niche, most keywords related to my services are totally, completely dominated by some very Big Names. It would be unrealistic to expect to rank for SEO content writing (or Inbound Marketing) related keywords with the few articles I can afford to write in my spare time after taking care of client-projects.
Has anything changed with Inbound Marketing in 2016?
In a word: Nope.
Almost all marketers, no matter where they are located, see paid advertising as the most overrated marketing tactic.
The majority of strategically effective organizations use Inbound Marketing.
Only 18% of businesses using primarily outbound strategies think their marketing is effective. Compare that with 81% ( I found the numbers damn funny) of those with primarily inbound strategies satisfied with the effectiveness of their marketing.
In general, top marketing challenges are generating traffic and leads, and managing websites, for 65% and 26% of businesses, respectively.
And what is being done to meet the challenges?
Priorities seem to be blog content creation(60%) and securing growth in organic presence (66%).
Find a more detailed analysis in Hubspot Inbound 2016 & Relevance of Content Marketing Services.
Here’s an Infographic to summarize what we’ve just discussed.
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<a href="https://seo-writer.kapush.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/State-of-Inbound-Hubspot-Select-Takeaways-2013-Data-Compared-.png" target="_blank"><img class="aligncenter wp-image-839 size-full" src="https://seo-writer.kapush.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/State-of-Inbound-Select-Takeaways-2013-Data-Compared-Hubspot.jpg" alt="Why you need seo content in 2016" width="800" height="2000" /></a> |
I think the takeaways of the takeaways ought to be:
- A majority of strategically effective organizations use Inbound Marketing.
- Content marketing generates more leads than paid search.
- Almost all marketers see Outbound Marketing (paid advertising) as the most overrated marketing tactic.
Consider also the following to understand where you stand relative to others in your sector.

Are you off that fence yet?
Perhaps, now would be the time to see how you could benefit from someone with experience and expertise in SEO Content Writing?
Get in Touch
If you wish to hire me for SEO Content Writing or for Strategizing with respect to your Content Marketing Campaigns, please send an email to
Or, use the form below
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Portrait of Bill Gates in Featured Image Content is King courtesy of Science Teacher
Content is King by Bill Gates found at CraigBaily