SEO content writing gets you organic visitors. Content that may be excellent on its own but not optimised for search bots doesn’t invariably appear on the first page of organic search results. And you probably know why you’d want people to find your blog or website when making a Google search for products or services related to your business. Here’s food for thought, anyway:
- 94.95% of consumers reach shopping sites from organic search results.
- Only 5.05% click on paid search results.
According to Powerreviews survey, 38% of consumers begin shopping with Amazon search and 35%, with search engines; of those who prefer search engines, 52% choose Google.
You can’t just thrust ads in their face and hope they’ll buy. That attitude cost publishers an estimated $22 billion in 2015 because consumers blocked their ads. As of March 2016, around 408 million people have opted to block ads for a better mobile web browsing experience.
Starting February 23, 2011, the Panda/Farmer Update began wiping out sites with low-quality content.
And it never stopped.
The Panda algorithm is still active, quietly demoting sites out of Google’s search results.
It’s about compelling & optimised content
There is an article at the Google Webmaster Central Blog on Google’s expectations of a high-quality site. Written by Amit Singhal way back in 2011, it still remains relevant for any kind of SEO content writing and any site that wants to be listed among the first five organic results. For a business that incurs little or no recurring cost on ads, create something search engines want to rank and visitors love to read and bookmark.
Create content people would miss if you took it off the Internet.
And once the traffic begins to come (which it will), because of the quality of what you’re offering for free, your prospects will be sold on you even before you sell to them.
It is important to understand that SEO content writing is about Search Engine Optimization of content that is already brilliant. You cannot rank mediocre write-ups with any amount of optimization. Not for long, anyway.
“It’s humans dealing with humans – we forget that. Instead of trying to be real time, we gotta be Real.” (36:04)
Get what Google ranks & people love to read
SEO content writing is no longer about stuffing keywords. It is a three part process now.
I. Quality
Create an outstanding, authoritative write-up where every single statement is backed by research with proper sources cited. You don’t want some opinion piece.
Make sure the standard of writing is perfect for your target audience. Readability is measurable through the Flesch-Kincaid tests. 60 – 70% is considered acceptable for normal web content.
(Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease score of this web page is 68.8).
II. Formatting
Format as per SEO best practices (e.g. the perfect number of words in direct quotations to avoid duplicate content issues).
Make optimal use of subheadings, small paragraphs, and white space to encourage visitors to actually read and not just scroll through.
(About 84% of the people surfing the web only skim through , ready to click away to the next good thing).
III. Optimisation
And finally, optimize the content so that search bots love it at least as much as human readers would.
Simple enough, right?
You don’t want COPY when all you need is CONTENT
If your writer doesn’t know the difference and gets in your visitors’ face too frequently, you may not be able to convert them into buyers. SEO content writing is not about copywriting or hard sell. It just ensures organic traffic to your site (and provides them value). The buying part they do on their own (with a few good offers thrown in, perhaps) because they understand you know what you’re talking about.
Neither do you want YOUR in place of YOU’RE
Here’s my academic résumé.
Being too pedantic isn’t the best way to secure visitor engagement. However, bad grammar is a deal breaker. And style guides help when you’re unsure if it is onsite, on site or on-site.
You do want 100% original content (obviously)
- No plagiarizing.
- Acknowledgement and attribution as per best practices.
- Zero fluff.

And finally
U want content htat has been prof read, edited, spelchekced and rdy to publis. and in pfebvct english – that mek you hapfy, yes? 😉
Get in Touch for Panda-friendly SEO Content Writing
The following are my areas of expertise (click the links for samples):
Blog Posts
Guides & Tutorials
Content Rewriting
Case Studies
Cornerstone Content
Blogging Strategy including SEO and CRO
If you have something in mind apart from what’s been listed, please feel free to let me know.
I mostly write about
Marketing (B2C),
Conversion Rate Optimization,
Education and,
However, if you have a subject in mind that does not require rocket science specialization, I’ll probably be able to handle it.
Here’s a testimonial that might just convince you.
And If you wish to look at my offline writing samples (newspaper & magazine), please click here.
Please let me know of your requirements via email : content(at)
Or use the form below
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Bamidele Onibalusi Follow @youngprepro – and Spike Wyatt for more than I could begin to acknowledge.
‘You want content people would miss…’ inspired by Joe Pulizzi.Follow @joepulizzi
Featured image – edited version of original saved from (now via @Tomwalsham & The Atlantic. Follow @tomwalsham
Memes and inline image
‘Dafuq did I just read?’ (edited) – Follow @artinfodotcom
“Don’t ramble” screenshot from Conclusion of Neil Patel’s article on how content length affects rankings and conversions.